Our company offers a wide range of services, including;

Budget allows a business to plan out expenses, reach business goals and anticipate operational changes. Our Budget Planning provides a framework for your company’s financial objectives for the next three to five years. Budgeting details how the plan will be carried out month to month and covers items such as revenue, expenses, potential cash flow and debt reduction.

What’s Different About Our Approach to Cost Management?

Unlike one-dimensional cost reduction or restructuring plans, Daphne’s cost advantage approach resets costs within a strategic framework that is customized, precise, and thorough. Our total cost management process involves quickly diagnosing underlying operating issues, benchmarking performance, and then implementing short-, medium-, and long-term cost optimization initiatives and industry-specific measures to right-size expenses.

In parallel to optimizing costs, Daphne Consulting help clients build a foundation for future competitive differentiation and growth by:

•Considering end-to-end processes and focusing on outcomes

•Working shoulder to shoulder with company leaders

•Providing margin and cost transparency to enable more informed decisions

•Helping cultivate a culture of continuous improvement that leads to sustainable change

Every client is unique, so as consultants, we tailor investment strategies to meet individual needs and circumstances both in the UK and Turkey.

Our accounting services include many activities and related actions, that are connected with gathering and the way of booking the documentation, sending reports to the highest authorities and adjusting to the international standards.

Our company offers;

•The implementation of accounting systems and statutory internal acts

•Accounting services

•Payroll services

•Preparation of the annual financial statement

•Reporting to the management

Tax compliance represents a complex and challenging task for businesses. Daphne Financial Consulting provides comprehensive tax guidance services to help businesses with indirect tax questions and processes.

Our goal is to provide a comprehensive, global solution that guides entities through these complex indirect tax matters and processes, and can also support international expansion or new market entry with guidance on local tax requirements.

What value can our tax guidance services add to your business?

•Confidence over indirect tax matters

•Greater understanding over the treatment of indirect tax requirements

•Mitigation of potential tax exposure (risks/penalties)

Training courses can be designed for each individual members of the company and investment managers in accordance with their individual training needs. Events can be held on your company premises or at another location of your choice.